Tjärved – tar wood

Doften är obeskrivligt njutbar när man tänt en brasa med tjärved, fungerar dessutom alltid oavsett väder eller årstid. Dessa tjärstubbar av gamla tallar åldras och ruttnar mycket långsamt då de innehåller stora mängder av pressad kåda (mest bestående av hartssyror). Syns vanligtvis i sprickor eller inuti stubbar, där de ”svettas” och kådan ibland pressas ut.

Årsringarna är ibland så täta att de knappast syns med blotta ögat, speciellt i norra Sverige med långsam tillväxt på magra jordar. Årsringarna får mönster efter de hinder de mött på sin resa mot ett fullvuxet träd. Ringar och mönster påminner mycket om de mönster som vattnet skapar runt t.ex. stenar i en bäck. Kanske inte så konstigt med det vatten som transporterats under århundraden upp i trädet från dess rötter till kronan.

Please klick on the images for right size and proportions.

English summery:

The scent is indescribably enjoyable when you light a fire with tar wood, it also always works regardless of the weather or season. These tar stumps of old pines ages and rotten very slowly as they contain large amounts of pressed resin (mostly consisting of resin acids). Usually seen in cracks or inside stumps, where they ”sweat” and the resin is sometimes squeezed out.

The annual rings are sometimes so dense that they are hardly visible to the eye, especially in northern Sweden with slow growth on poor soils. The annual rings are patterned according to the obstacles they encountered on their journey towards a full-grown tree. Rings and patterns are very reminiscent of the patterns that the water creates around e.g. rocks in a stream. Perhaps not so strange with the water that has been transported for centuries up the tree from its roots to the crown.

Publicerad av Hans

The blog is an attempt to give you all a piece of life in the outdoors. The richnes of life that is interwoven in an unbelievable pattern. Where we as humans are just one of the species in the crowd. A humble approach to nature should be our starting point.

12 reaktioner till “Tjärved – tar wood

  1. Nice finds of the tar stump ‘artworks’! Like clouds and other things, I sometimes ‘see’ something. I instantly saw in your first two photos in row one: the first, a bird’s head stretching out of a nest perhaps; and the second one, a nice smiley face! 😊


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